
In addition to our printed products, we offer Behind-The-Scenes videos and Photo Montages as another way to remember your photoshoot session! Videos come as an add-on service. Check out our sample videos below!


The behind-the-scenes videos capture the essence of the photoshoot and the activities that happen behind the scenes. We strive to document everything from the moment you arrive, including all the little smiles and happy moments as you play and pose. It's a fun way to remember these special moments. This is at a top up of $150 but advanced notice needs to be given.

Photo Montage

The photo montage is a video collage of the photos taken during your photoshoot. It provides a comprehensive summary of all the images, perfect for sharing on social media, celebrating milestones like full-month or birthday events, or simply sending to your family. For just an $80 top-up, you'll receive the montage in 1080p resolution MP4 format, and we can include any wording you prefer.